Cabinda, July 15, 2020 - Chevron's subsidiary Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Limited (CABGOC) announces today the donation of about 56 tons of food to 12 charitable institutions from Catholic and Evangelical church, based in Cabinda province. 

Chevron recognizes that its success is intrinsically linked to the well-being and quality of life of the communities where it operates. 

This donation aims to help these charities minimize food shortages, thus improving the diet of the children they host. 

Around 600 Orphans from disadvantaged families hosted and protected by the contemplated religious institutions, namely: Betânia community, Nazaré community, Irmãs Maria Imaculada, Cabinda Female Mission -S. José de Cluny,  Malembo Female Mission - Irmãs Teresianas, Malembo Male Mission - Lourenço Amadeu, Cacongo Male Mission - S. Tiago Maior, Cacongo Female Mission - S. José Cluny,  Belize Male Mission - Santo António, Lucuila Zenze Female Mission - Mercedárias de Caridade, Lucula Zenze Male Mission - Lucula-Zenze and Caio Evangelic Church boarding school are directly benefiting from this donation, 

This initiative builds on Chevron's commitment to support the Angolan Government's efforts to improve community conditions. 


press release Cabinda Gulf Oil Company donates food basket to charities in Cabinda