press release The Cabinda Association Inaugurates Water-Supply Systems in Cabinda

CABINDA, May 25, 2018 – Cabinda Gulf Oil Company, Limited (CABGOC), a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, on behalf of the partners in Block 0 (Sonangol EP, CABGOC, Total, and ENI) today announced the inauguration of two drinking-water supply systems in the communities of Manenga and Simulincondo, located in the Cacongo municipality in Cabinda Province.

The two systems will benefit more than 700 people, contributing toward improving the quality of life of the communities by reducing the transmission of diseases caused by the handling and ingestion of untreated water.

“We are investing in programs designed to improve well-being and quality of life in the communities in which we operate. We are working with our partners (partners in Block 0) and with institutions at the local level to support initiatives that create capacities and that deliver real and long-lasting gains,” says Lwena Sebastião, CABGOC's Manager of Policy, Government, and Public Affairs.

The event was attended by Macario Lembe, the Vice-Governor of Cabinda; Dr. Margarida Issaco Barros, the administrator of the municipality of Cacongo; and traditional figures of authority, among others.

CABGOC has had a commitment to Angola for more than 60 years, and especially to Cabinda Province. We are part of the community, and over the years we have found that our success is intrinsically linked to the well-being of the communities in which we operate.

These systems are valued at more than U.S. $500,000, and are part of a program of investment in the area of health. Within the last 5 years CABGOC and the Block 0 partners have invested more than U.S. $23 million in social investment programs throughout the country, benefiting more than 200,000 people.