press release CABGOC Launches the 10th Edition of the Scholarship Program in Cabinda

CABINDA, May 22, 2018 – Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Limited (CABGOC), Chevron’s subsidiary in Angola, today announced its support for the 10th edition of the scholarship program for university students in Cabinda.

The program, which was launched in 2009, has already benefited students at the Instituto Superior Politécnico Lusíada Cabinda [Portuguese Higher Polytechnic Institute of Cabinda] (ISPL) and the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Cabinda [Higher Polytechnic Institute of Cabinda] (ISPCAB), with 51 students successfully completing their training. The program will benefit 45 students during the current academic year, with a view toward facilitating the payment of fees for students who have demonstrated meritorious performance.

“Support for the scholarship program is part of a comprehensive strategy for the education sector, which consists of improving the teaching and learning processes while enabling broader and better access to the educational system and to professional training,” says Henda Valério, the head of CABGOC’s Human Resources Department.

Participants include His Excellency, Dr. Jorge Casimiro Congo, who is the Provincial Secretary of Education, and deans and representatives of the Universidade 11 de Novembro [University of November 11], the Universidade Lusíada [Portuguese University], and the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Cabinda (ISPC).

As part of the overall educational strategy, CABGOC has also supported the creation and furnishing of the library of the Complexo Escolar Mama-Muxima [Mama-Muxima Educational Center], making it a space for knowledge and leisure that will serve more than 1,275 students and teachers.

Those present at the inaugural event included His Excellency, Dr. Jorge Casimiro Congo, who is the Provincial Secretary of Education, as well as the Reverend Father Francisco Nionje Capita.

These events are taking place during the month of the celebration of the city of Cabinda, where CABGOC has been operating for more than 60 years, and where the company is proud to consider itself a part of the community. Among its various investments, CABGOC emphasizes the promotion of knowledge as a leading factor in the sustainable development of the country.

The two programs are valued at more than U.S. $170 million, and are part of the larger investment program in the area of education.